Frequently asked questions.

Have a question about By Kayleigh products, mentoring or anything else?! You can find ALL By Kayleigh related frequently asked questions below!

How do I know if we are suited in a mentor/mentee relationship?

I’m not the right mentor for everyone and I think its important we figure out if our vibes align before we spend 12 weeks together. I offer free 30 minute ice breaker chats, where you can ask all your questions, get a vibe for me and find out more about the programme before investing.

Will I get the results I want from the mentorship?

If you turn up with an open mind and do the work - its the law of universe that results will come. I guarantee that if you are serious about the programme, put the work in and dedicate yourself fully, amazing things WILL happen! ✨

I want to work with By Kayleigh! What opportunities do you have?

All job opportunities will be advertised right here! At this moment in time we are not hiring, but watch this space!

Can you design a form for me?

Why yes I can! Please head to my Etsy.

Do you still create logo’s?

At the moment in time, I am no longer creating logos.

Do you ship to the US/Internationally?

Yes I do. At the moment all fulfilment is being done in house (yep, that means little old me does pack your orders!). I ship daily!