Where to start, as a makeup artist?

OK. this is a fun one today! I went on Instagram and asked you guys “what are some things you wanted to know, or currently want to know, as a new makeup artist”. Today I’m answering some of those as a blog post! Let’s get into it!

"Where Do I Begin as a New Makeup Artist?"

Q: "I'm starting from scratch, no portfolio, no clients. Where do I start?"

A: We've all been beginners and that’s the truth. When I embarked on my journey, I didn't know where to start either. What set my business on the path to success was focusing on the business side of things. I already knew how to do great makeup, I now needed to know how to be paid for it! Your artistry is your passion, and honing your unique style and statement look will come naturally. However, understanding the business aspect is essential for a sustainable business and profitability. Invest your time in learning how to run a successful business. An eyeshadow palette (or 100) will not bring you new clients and you need to know that. Instead invest in the things that will bring you money - a new website, portfolio days, mentorship and business coaches. THESE things will push your business further.

"How Do I Build My Confidence as a Makeup Artist?"

Q: "How can I build my skills and portfolio to feel confident in pursuing a successful makeup artistry business?"

A: Let's address any limiting beliefs here. Don't let fear hold you back from embracing your passion for makeup artistry. Start building your portfolio with friends, family, or by offering to assist other makeup artists. The killer of insecurity is knowledge. Just knowing your craft and building your knowledge up, this creates confidence in it. If you feel insecure, just get out there are create. Do test shoots, seek to learn all the things you don’t know. Seek to become the best, and watch your confidence grow. For me, true confidence came from learning and knowing more, getting my hands on faces and using my brushes!

"Where Should I Invest My Resources as a New Makeup Artist?"

Q: "I'm new to the industry and haven't made any money yet. Where should I focus my resources when investing in my business?"

A: I believe in lifelong learning and investing in your education is essential. Courses that teach sound business strategies can be one of the best investments you make. Learning the art of makeup can be self-taught, but learning effective business strategies from experienced mentors can be a game-changer. Consider the cost of unclear business strategies, lack of web presence, or inadequate equipment. For me, I wasted over 5 years, dilly dallying. I wish I had taken more business action in that time, as I just played so small and didn’t make any money for such a long time. Write these numbers down to determine the value of your investment. If your potential gains outweigh the cost of the course, it's a sound investment in my opinion. Consider the cost of NOT doing it.

"How Should I Price My Makeup Artistry Services?"

Q: "I'm concerned that raising my prices will drive potential clients to cheaper makeup artists. How can I ensure this doesn't happen?"

A: Ask yourself who you want to reach. Do you want clients who value your artistry and are willing to invest in quality? Focus on attracting those clients. I always say to my students, if the girlies are paying 10K+ for Hermes handbags, they can afford a few hundred for your bridal services. But you have to give a great service, and I feel this is something that isn’t talked about enough. You have to give value, you have to give a great luxury service if you are charging luxury. I have a great pricing workshop in the Level Up Club with a huge workbook, that can help you work out exactly what you need to be charging to be profitable.

"I'm Afraid to Put Myself Out There as a Makeup Artist..."

Q: "I'm apprehensive about being visible, facing rejection, and putting myself out there. How can I overcome this fear?"

A: It's time for some encouragement. People need to know you, the artist, to appreciate your work fully. Share your story, because without it, your art loses its meaning. Don't underestimate your own story; it's unique and engaging. Show up in your social media feeds and let your audience connect with you. Makeup is SO connection focused as a service. Post about yourself, share your voice, and reveal your story. The more people can relate to you, the more they will trust and value your work. Serve your clients by providing content they need, and add joy to their lives.


How I prepped for almost a month away from my business in Japan!


Passive Income for Makeup Artists