4 questions to ask yourself, from my own mentors.

Last year, I started to take my own mentorship really seriously. I always give the advice, invest in yourself. Your business can’t grow unless you are growing. So both my partner and I invested into a course ran by Dean Graziozi, someone who I have been a fan of for a few years. I loved his books, I loved his podcasts, and more than anything I really liked his teachings. He ran a mastermind course, and genuinely, it was the best thing I ever did. Both my partner and I loved it. We also did a Tony Robbins course right after and honestly, this is why it’s so important to find your mentor, because I really didn’t connect with Tony’s programme as much, and it really did feel like giving thousands to the wind. Maybe this was because I had Covid just after I took it, so my brain had ALOT of fog, but regardless, it was Dean’s course that created dramatic change for me. And I thought today, I would share 4 questions he asks, for when you are trying to figure out what makes you special, what your superpower is.

I see this a lot in our community. Whenever I ask artists what their dreams are, or more importantly, why they aren’t chasing them - I get hit with “but X is doing that” or “I just don’t have anything to offer thats different”. Here’s the thing. If you are a human, if you have had even a single experience on this planet (and I bet you’ve had millions)” you HAVE something to offer. You have a unique perspective. You have a different way of looking at things. But sometimes, figuring that out is hard. So Dean has these 4 questions to ask. I encourage you, to ask yourself these today:

  • What makes you stand out?

This can be a hard one, so perhaps ask your partner or a friend. What do you do in your business or life that makes you stand out above others? For myself, I think it’s my passion. I think it’s my realness. I think it’s my approachability. I think it’s my drive to genuinely help women. What are your core values? For me, it’s helping women thrive. It’s unlocking the potential within women in beauty and helping them understand their potential is limitless. For me, it’s opening up conversations around money and helping women earn more and gain more financial freedom. This goes beyond making money. What is truly your WHY? Why are you doing what you are doing today? What wakes you up every single day? What is your life’s bigger purpose? These are the questions that can help you get to the heart and soul of what you do, and can provide a unique perspective on HOW you can stand out.

  • What are the key things to your success?

Another hard one, but we are digging deep today. But what do you do well at? What do you do so well at that other’s can't take away from you? For me, I like to think I’m good at writing and teaching. I think I’m good at connecting with people. I think I’m really good at creating space for others to feel welcome and themselves. These are things, that serve me so well as a mentor, and put me above others in some ways. And sure, this others have traits to their success which I don’t have. But that’s what makes us diverse and unique. So what are you good at? What do you do, that serves your business well? Are you great on camera? Are you organised as heck? Are you brilliant at teaching? List those!

  • What do you love?

For the next question, ask yourself and write down - when do you have fun in business? What do you love doing? What things bring you joy? What would you do every single day if you could? Next, on another piece of paper write down, what are your money makers? What services, or things do you do within your business, that bring you in money! Changes are, some of those things align. You’ll see a lot of things cross referenced. THESE are your true money makers. The things you should never outsource, because 1) you enjoy them and 2) if someone else did these, the magic would be gone.

  • What are your life experiences?

The last question is a deep one. But what experiences do you have to offer that nobody else can. Perhaps a grief? Perhaps a rock bottom moment? Perhaps a happier time when you were absolutely killing it. These are our unique experiences, and our storytelling opportunities. These are the things that nobody could have experienced but ourselves, and only we have the unique perspective on it. What moments changed your path? What raw moments led to success, or failure? These are worth sharing, or sometimes, they are too hard to share. But what matters is, what you learnt from it, or how you can help others as a result of it.

So once you have worked through these 4 questions, we learnt that is a roadmap to our superpower. All four answers here give us our superpower. From what we love, what our mission is, to what unique experiences and perspectives we have. Each one is valuable and each one can guide us in business to serve our clients better, and connect more with them. Let me know if this was useful, by sending me a DM on the gram!


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